Day 41. Submarine (2010). Directed by Richard Ayoade

Submarine (2010) score: 80%

This ode to teenage angst makes me wish I was 15 again. Regardless of how happy a time it is, it’s a time of self-discovery, of finding your feet and having no bloody idea how to go about it while all the adults in your life pretend they aren’t in the same situation. Back then we didn’t take ourselves so seriously. We looked at life subjectively, not objectively, and felt more human. Craig Roberts as Oliver Tate, and the gorgeous Welsh scenery, do a brilliant job of embodying this period in a way that all of us can nostalgically relate to.

2 thoughts on “Day 41. Submarine (2010). Directed by Richard Ayoade

    1. Aye, not many people were as enthusiastic about The Double as they were about Submarine. Haven’t seen it yet myself, but I really detest Jesse Eisenberg, so I fear I may not see it for a while.


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